November – Saturday 30 November
JOIN US for our regular last Saturday of the month Camino-style walk – this month at Katoomba. You may have already walked a Camino in Europe or you may aspire to one day walk a Camino or other pilgrimages. Walking with the Blue Mountains Camino group is an opportunity to walk in the beautiful Blue Mountains with like-minded people. You will learn more about preparing for a Camino and why our walks are more than just a walk.
Two options are offered for our training walk, an easy walk and a medium walk. To join the medium walk you must have walked with the Blue Mountains Camino group previously – no first timers.
To join a walk:
* You must bring snacks.
* You must carry at least 1.5 litres of water.
Both the easy and the medium walks start at Katoomba Station. Meet outside the Station Bar, Bathurst Rd,next to the station. Location.
There are toilets at Katoomba station, in Katoomba Village mall (near Coles) and on the corner of Studleigh Pl and Katoomba St, Katoomba. There are also toilets at Echo Pt.
Walk 1 – Easy
Start time: 8:45am for 9:00am start
Distance: About 8 km. 3 hours
Description: Heading down to the Prince Henry Cliff Walk then on to Echo Point and Katoomba Falls. Returning to Katoomba via road. We will see stunning views over the Jamieson Valley and the Three Sisters from lookouts and vantage points along the way. There are lots of steps, and mostly formed walking paths. Walking poles will be useful. We’ll stop for coffee at Echo Point, and return to the Katoomba Family Hotel for lunch at the end of the walk.
Walk leader: Sharise
Walk 2 – Medium
Start time: 8:45am for 9:00am start
Distance: 11km. About 4 hours
Description: Our final medium monthly walk for the year starts from Katoomba Station. We will take the Grand Cliff Top walk from Tarpeian Rock, Leura to Katoomba Falls. Enjoy spectacular views, including the Three Sisters and waterfalls. The walk includes a steep, eroded section and small creek crossing in Leura Park so walking poles are recommended. The Grand Cliff Top walk is in good condition but includes many steps. We’ll return to the Family Hotel for lunch.
Walk leader: Tony
To join the medium walk you must have walked with the Blue Mountains Camino group previously – no first timers. You also need to be confident of your fitness to walk for 3-4 hours.
We will celebrate the end of the year with lunch at the Katoomba Family Hotel, 15 Parke St, Katoomba. Location. Food and drink at own expense. Menu.
Register HERE.