Wentworth Falls
Saturday 28 September 2024
Both the easy and the medium walks start from Wilson Park, corner of Falls Rd and Great Western Highway, Wentworth Falls.
Walk 1 – Easy
Start time: 8:45am for 9:00am start
Distance: 10.5 km. About 3.5 hours
Description: Includes the Shortcut track, Jamison and Wentworth Falls lookouts, the newly reopened Charles Darwin Walk and Wentworth Falls Lake. There will be a coffee stop at the lake before returning to the meetup point for lunch. Bring snacks, water, a hat and sunscreen. Poles may be useful.
Walk leader: Sharise
Walk 2 – Medium
Start time: 8:45am for 9:00am start
Distance: 11.2km. About 4 hours
Description: We head down Charles Darwin Walk to Wentworth Falls picnic area. We’ll cross the top of the falls up to Rocket Point Lookout. After enjoying the views of Jamison Valley, we head back to the Undercliff and Overcliff tracks for more spectacular views of the valley, before dropping down to Valley of the Waters. We’ll head up to the Conservation Hut via the Nature Track for a quick stop before heading back to the meetup point for lunch. Bring snacks, water, a hat and sunscreen. Poles may be useful. There are many steps on this walk
Walk leader: Robert
Meetup – 2pm-4pm, St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wentworth Falls.
Our theme this meetup is the Via Francigena Camino. Come and hear from our recently returned pilgrims.
More Information and registration HERE.