After completing my Hopitalera training with Richard and Eileen in January 2024 I was keen to volunteer. After applying to the organization, a few weeks later, I was offered a placement in Salamanca. After some discussion with the organizer I was given a different placing in the Albergue in Ponferrada. The Albergue in Ponferrada can…
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Blue Mountains Camino 5-Day walk – Autumn March 2025
The Blue Mountains Camino Supporters (BMCS) is a social group that shares the wonderful spirit of the Camino through various events including its Blue Mountains Camino 5-Day walk. Over five days, pilgrims walk up the Blue Mountains from Penrith (Emu Plains) at the base, to Blackheath, near the top. The Blue Mountains Camino 5-Day walk…
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November 2024 Camino Training Walk and End of Year Celebration
A damp and misty day for the last Camino Training walk of 2024. 44 of us gathered at Katoomba Station for the Easy and Medium walks. 27 walkers left Katoomba Station in light rain. Following suburban roads and local tracks we reached the Grand Cliff Top Walk at Tarpeian Rock, Leura, to enjoy the spectacular…
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October 2024 Camino Training Walk and Meetup
A large group of almost 50 walkers joined BMCS for a delightful Spring day walk starting from Woodford Reserve, Woodford. Wow, 50 people is probably our largest gathering for a last Saturday of the month Camino walk! Walkers were separated into Easy and Medium groups and then split into two groups again to make it…
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The Happiest Place on Earth
Some say that Disneyland is the ‘happiest place on earth’. And for many it is. I’ve been fortunate to have spent several days in Santiago de Compostela over the past few years and being there just makes my heart sing. Watching the joy – and often tears – on the faces of the pilgrims as…
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March 2024 Camino Training Walk and Meetup
We met on a lovely Autumn morning at Wilson Park on Falls Road, Wentworth Falls. The Easy group of 13 walkers headed down Falls Road to the Shortcut track enjoyed great views out to the valley and Mount Solitary then coffees at the Conservation Hut. We then headed up the Nature Trail to Great Western…
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February Camino Training Walk and Meetup
Typical of Blue Mountains weather, it was a drizzly start for the monthly Camino training walk, however the 32 walkers were a hardy bunch of Camino people, donning their ponchos and rain jackets for the Mt Victoria walk. The walking routes similar, setting off towards Mt Piddington and Hornes Point Lookout, with 16 walkers in…
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January Camino Training Walk and Meetup
The January 2024 Camino training walk and meetup was always going to be popular and proved to be a fully booked out event with a ‘waitlist’! It was fabulous to see so many new people and also some we haven’t seen in a while. People came as far away as Brisbane, Newcastle, the Central Coast…
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Jenny’s Hospitalero Training
On the weekend of the 21st January, I was indeed fortunate to be part of a 2 day Hospitalero Training course in Sydenham which was presented by Eileen and Richard. There were 21 eager and experienced pilgrims who were interested in learning about what volunteering and serving in a donativo alburgue entailed. Not only were…
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